Bistronomique Montfort-l'Amaury

Au cinq des Bach

Au cinq des Bach | Montfort-l'Amaury

Our restaurant in the town of Montfort L'Amaury is a family project, I am associated with my father.

We have chosen to leave the Paris region in order to take the time to receive our customers in a place that resembles us and where we want to take the time to exchange and share.

We both have our areas of expertise, my father, a pastry chef, and I, a cook. Our establishment is focused on French craftsmanship, whatever the sector ... farmer / cutlery / tableware ... but we are not closed to making our customers discover quality products from elsewhere.


General information


Homemade, Fresh products, Italian, Traditional cuisine

Business type




Payment methods

Contactless Payment, Eurocard/Mastercard, Cash, Visa, Cheques, Debit Card

Opening hours

Mon - Tue


Wed - Fri

19:00 - 21:00


12:00 - 13:45 19:00 - 21:00


12:00 - 13:45

Contact us

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